Tuesday, October 26, 2010


唉, 我又唔見野啦

話說9月29號 (Wed) 我攞住好多野返大學, 跟住同個同學坐shuttle去左off campus既Book Mart買野! 由於間書店唔比攞袋入去, 於是我就攞左部Netbook出黎, 最後返到campus個同學要等一個朋友. 我地坐左響某棟building出邊既bench. 太多野攞既關係, 我放晒d野響個bench上面, 亦因為我太攰, 臨離開時都無發現自己無攞齊野! 就係咁, 我部舊年聖誕先買既netbook, 連埋最近先買既cover就從此消失了

一路都認為兩個人做咩要用三部電腦, 好似有D浪費! 到最近諗住帶部netbook返學, 開始用電腦抄notes, 點知我部netbook就離我而去了, 只怪我從前唔識珍惜佢!

唔開心同內疚左幾日後, 貪新忘舊既我已經睇中左部touchscreen netbook 不過, 為左令自己得到教訓, 我都會儘量克制自己, 唔可以咁容易就買過部!

因為呢件事, 我就同今仔講:「死啦! 第日我會唔會唔見左我地既仔女架 我會唔會漏左佢地響車, 掛住攞餸, 唔記得佢地架 將來我既仔女成日唔見野, 你千祈唔好鬧佢地, 唯有怪佢地阿媽遺傳左d "大頭蝦" 基因比佢地!」

同今仔講完呢番話既兩日後, 香港既有線新聞報導就話有對夫婦響時代廣場漏低左一個女嬰, 再過一日又有學童被遺留在校車, 最攞景既係唔見netbook既一星期後「星期二檔案」播「有失有得」! o個集講香港每年有幾多人遺留物件在地鐵, 仲訪問左一個家庭, 個小朋友唔見左個飯壺, 但最後都搵得返, 另外仲有幾個失而復得既例子!


被遺校巴 4歲童拍窗友獲救 入睡被困半小時 警拘司機保母
星期二檔案 有得有失

Saturday, October 9, 2010

今仔不在家的第五天 (October 8, 2010)


今仔不在家, 呢個禮拜我返學日日都遲到, 每日都瞌眼瞓 今日要響大學上堂, 由早上八點直落到下晝五點, 連食lunch既一小時都被用作開會, 全日呆坐在課室

放學返左屋企休息一陣, 跟住又去左今家食晚飯! 唔知由幾時開始, 我同今媽、今爹都可以單獨相處, 已經做到一家人咁 大概係由今媽去年患病開始, 當時我每日都會車出車入, 陪佢去睇醫生. 之後, 去到年尾, 今媽跌傷隻腳, 我就每日下晝返今家煮野比佢食, 慢慢傾下, 發覺今媽都唔係一個難相處既人! 最意外係佢同今爹下個星期返香港, 今媽話佢會約我爸爸、媽咪飲茶, 我真係覺得今媽好識禮數

夜晚返到屋企, 同今仔講電話, 知道佢病左, 好擔心! 我個心即係諗: 「去悠閒度假都會病既」唔知佢係唔係患左相思病呢

仲有15分鐘我就要出門同今爹、今媽上加拿大啦 我已經準備好一大袋藥比今仔!

Friday, October 8, 2010

今仔不在家的第四天 (October, 7, 2010)



今日繼續唔夠瞓, 上堂時亦好攰! 明明已經暖返D, 但我坐響課室改簿仍然改到手凍腳凍, 忍唔住去架車度攞張氊入課室! 我個mentor知道後大笑一番, 仲叫我企響個雪櫃隔離吸下發出既熱氣

有個學生問我今日會唔會教書, 佢話"I like your teaching!", 聽到呢句話話真係開心晒! 放學後hold左個tutoring, 有十二個學生黎左, 最高興係令到一個上堂遊雲, 返屋企又唔溫書, 基礎又打得唔好既學生明白堂上學既野, 同完成一份功課 我同我個mentor都好擔心呢位學生! 根據我mentor既形容: "呢位學生唔督促住佢, 佢就會去左發夢, 但你猛咁叫佢做野, 佢又會好焦躁, 仲會好似心臟痛發咁抖唔到氣!" 經過我今日既貼身輔導, 我發現佢連堂上一D好基本既指令都唔明白, 例如: 點樣響張graph paper上劃x-axis同y-axis. 其實, 我mentor響堂上已經講左好多次, 但係佢原來一路都唔知點做. 我今日教佢做substitution, 佢先恍然大悟咁樣! 希望以後會多d機會同佢接觸, 等我可以了解下佢!

放學後, 去左做facial同剪頭髮, 我諗我實在太攰啦! 做facial時瞓到不醒人事 夜晚返左今家食飯, 比我偷聽到今媽講電話, 發現左件不可思議既詭秘事件! 頭先同今仔討論, 佢都不敢相信 星期二既謎團終於解開, 被人吊癮既滋味真係唔好受! 祝福謎團既兩位主角, 希望事情會按照原定計劃進行

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

今仔不在家的第二天 (October 5, 2010)


我懷疑今仔真係貴人, 佢琴日朝早出門就開始落雨, 今日又繼續落雨, 好凍呀 上個星期一 (9/27) LA Downtown 錄到自1877年有紀錄以黎最熱既一日(113F), 一個禮拜後竟然跌左50F, 得返65F. 天氣真係反常呀!
L.A.'s Hottest Day Ever
Low Temperature Records
上星期一夜晚八點都仲係110F, 熱到好似去左Las Vegas咁, 我真係感覺到熱氣從地面上昇. 今個星期一同樣時間, 我就凍到打冷震, 要攬住張氊去上堂!

今朝好攰, 好眼瞓, 駕緊車返工時都好想瞓! 唔知係唔係因為天氣影響呢 早一日無瞓覺好似仲精神過瞓五個鐘喎! 唔通我個睡眠週期係要瞓雙數鐘數?!!

本來諗住一落堂就即刻衝返屋企瞓覺, 點知要開會 開左個半鐘後, 終於走得, 跟住就開始落雨啦! 去完旅行社查詢機票後, 心情有點低落, 本來既計劃未能實行! 一個人在家真係有d悶, 睇怕我都係鍾意熱鬧既人

今仔不在家的第一天 (October 4, 2010)


今仔加拿大既表哥星期日(10/10/10)結婚, 今仔身為表弟專誠請假一星期飛去加拿大幫手籌備. 可惜, 我星期五要全日上堂, weekend先可以上去. 於是, 今日就變左係我響美國第一次自己一個響屋企.

今媽好擔心我自己一個在家, 仲邀請我去佢屋企過夜, 但因為我覺得唔係咁方便, 做功課又有好多野要拎, 所以都堅持響自己屋企. 二姑媽以為我自己一個人會驚, 仲叫我去表姐屋企住幾日添

我自己反而覺得呢個禮拜我可以做多d野, 同瞓多d覺, 因為唔駛煮飯嘛! 當然, 我亦心思思想約朋友出黎食晚飯, 實行今仔不在家, 我亦唔黐家

琴晚成晚開夜車, 朝早又要返中學, 夜晚仲要上堂, 成八點先放學. 之後, 就去左今家食飯. 今媽實在太好啦 佢仲預備埋lunch同湯比我帶返屋企.

返到自己屋企時已經係九點半, 寒冷既天氣令我只想喱響被竇同今仔講電話. 真係好懷念從前朝朝晚晚同今仔煲粥既日子

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of My Resisdency

Finally came to my first day to the middle school!
I was so tired after standing for the whole day.
My back was so sore that I can hardly turn my body.
I think I really need to do some yoga for stretching.

Some strategies that I learned:
solving two-step algebraic equation
- patient needs to be weighed at clinic
- patient wears a trench coat and has a suitcase
- what does the patient remove first to get onto the scale?
- e.g. 3x+5 = 17 patient =x, trench coat = 3, suitcase=5, weight = 17

combining like terms involving negative number
- e.g. -3m+m = 18
- use money/dollar to explain combining like terms

I like Mr. Clay's use of powerpoint to do review with the whole class.
It's so good that the whole class has to stand after they first get into the classroom,they have to earn their seats by answering one question, also students get to appoint another one to answer. I see students are very engaged in this activity.

For the 5 classes that I am going to teach, one of them is a honor class. All of them belong to the magnet program. That means all students are being selected according to their academic performance. I can see all students are well behaved, except a few students in one class. Mr. Clay said the first day of school is very important in shaping students' whole year behavior. They will get to know what the teacher is. Can they be relaxed and play in the classroom? Or, do they need to work hard? Mr. Clay did a great job in telling all students what he expects, and the students' standard. He particularly told those classes that do not meet his standard, but he at the same time said it's okay that they are not at the standard, we are going to help them to reach the class standard in this week, but those students have to work harder than other classes.

Mr. Clay said he is a reserved teacher. He usually doesn't talk much during lesson. I am looking forward to see how he can keep students engaged without doing a lot of talking.

Monday, August 23, 2010

又一個Quarter (August 15, 2010)

終於又讀完一個summer quarter啦

4月時去左一個全日既interview, 目的就係要入到而家讀緊既program!

O個陣真係好想入到呢個credential + master既課程, 因為有獎學金之餘,

仲會響畢業後分派我地去學校做野, 唔駛擔心budget cut唔請新老師.

去到6月確定收左我後, 我又唔係好興奮喎

可能, 呢個program同我原本讀緊既唔同方向, 而我又已經有左個credential,

所以其實而家只係當免費讀書, 而且仲有埋生活費, 都算唔錯既!

話說呢個係新課程, 所以有好多野都唔肯定, 好多問題連d professors都答唔到!

我同20個同學仔做左白老鼠, 比人做實驗, 不過我地既意見佢地都好重視,



所有堂都會一齊上, 可以互相支持

啱啱讀完既Summer Quarter, 持續左6星期, 雖然比平時11個星期既quarter短左,

但就十分intensive! 每個星期一至五八點至三點上堂, 7個professors輪流教我地,

每個禮拜有至少一份功課, Labor Day前我仲要交多三份功課

希望快d做晒所有功課, 然後好好享受下開學前僅有既悠閒時光

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

夏天來了 (August 17, 2010)


今日下晝量到既氣溫就係105F! 熱到我開行架車既冷氣都勁出汗

其實, 今年七月同八月上旬既平均氣溫係大約75F, 係1991年以黎最涼快既夏天.

我上個星期朝早出門返學時都仲要著外套, 但今個星期就要著背心啦

上個禮拜我覺得自己去左三藩市, 今個禮拜就去左拉斯維加斯


L.A.'s summer heat arrives late

After a prolonged June gloom, a heat wave is expected to roll in this week, beginning Sunday and peaking Monday.

August 15, 2010|By Rong-Gong Lin II, Los Angeles Times


Summer, which seemingly fled Los Angeles this year, will make a brief cameo this week.

Forecasters say a high-pressure system moving in from Arizona and New Mexico will boost temperatures to between 90 and 104 degrees in the San Gabriel and San Fernando valleys, making for a heat wave that is to begin on Sunday and peak on Monday.

One of the Southland's perennial hot spots, Woodland Hills, could reach the triple digits, and Pasadena may hit the mid-90s early this week.

"The summer heat has finally arrived," said Bonnie Bartling, a weather specialist at the National Weather Service office in Oxnard. This is expected to be only the second time this summer that temperatures will top 100 in the valleys.

The heat will raise wildfire concerns in the mountains and Antelope Valley as humidity drops, the weather service said.

Anyone seeking relief may want to head closer to the beach, which will be protected from the heat by the marine layer, the low, cool clouds that hug the coast in the evenings and mornings. Downtown L.A. will hit the 80s through Tuesday, while highs at the beaches will stay in the 70s.

The heat wave is expected to be short-lived. Cooling is expected predicted to begin on Tuesday, but that day will also bring humidity from the south, so "it might feel sticky," Bartling said.

Last week, the National Weather Service issued a statement explaining why summer jilted Southern California so far this year, saying persistent low-pressure systems have been loitering off the California coast for the last 2-1/2 months.

The phenomenon has kept Southern California's traditional May gray and June gloom around for July and August. For much of this time, fog has rolled in overnight and made L.A.'s summer seem almost as chilly as those in San Francisco. The average temperature recorded at Los Angeles International Airport throughout July was 65.7, a low that matched records set in 1948 and 1965.

Lower-than-normal ocean temperatures have also kept onshore Pacific breezes "extra chilly," according to the National Weather Service.

Those lower-than-normal ocean temperatures, a phenomenon scientists call La Niña, could exacerbate wildfire conditions this fall and winter by bringing little or no rain.

"The fires that would start would spread much easier during times of less precipitation, because the vegetation is much drier," said Jamie Moker, a National Weather Service meteorologist in San Diego.

Southern California's cool summer comes as much of the world has baked. The global average land surface temperature worldwide in July was the warmest on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The agency has records going back to 1880.

Moscow, which has been suffering a heavy death toll from an extended heat wave and nearby fires that have raged out of control, set a record July 30 when the mercury hit 102, surpassing the previous record of 99 set four days earlier.

China had its warmest July since 1961, and Finland set a new all-time high of 99 degrees on July 29, breaking the previous record of 96.7 made in July 1914.

From: http://articles.latimes.com/2010/aug/15/local/la-me-weather-20100815


The mild summer weather? For many, it's way cool

Forecasters with the National Weather Service say the L.A. Basin's coolest summer since 1991 reflects a transition from an El Niño pattern to a La Niña. But a heat wave may be on the way.

August 14, 2010|By Bob Pool, Los Angeles Times


Monday, June 28, 2010

好運返埋黎 (June 27, 2010)

自從發生左"意外"、"綠卡錯姓", 同埋其他倒霉事件後,

今仔不斷叫我問下邊度有碌柚葉賣 仲成日話我黑氣纏身

我又無覺得自己運氣差, 除左無咩中獎運同事業運, 其他運氣都唔錯呀!

起碼"意外"時雙方都無傷到人, "綠卡"事件唔係響入境時發生嘛! (阿Q精神)

不過, 琴日返今家睇到兩封信, 就證明我真係好運番啦!

首先, 學校批左我個奬學金, 仲收到張支票

本來諗住呢筆錢可以幫補下我整車, 之後睇埋封"意外" 保險信, 原來.....


整車師傅話我實要自己比錢, 因為我係轉綫o個個, 而對方係直行!

唔知係唔係因為我架車甩晒前面個bumper同fog lights, 但對方架車乜事都無,

所以結果變左我咩錢都唔駛比! (今仔本來覺得應該會判每人比一半)

今仔睇完後, 即刻話: 「你d好運返黎啦

Sunday, June 20, 2010


前一晚又係要趕教材, 所以淨係瞓得一個鐘!
用左我成三個鐘整架 一陣間會攞去展覽!

擺放展覽版既班房, 每一班都被安排左個時間黎參觀, 歡迎家長入內!

睇完展覽後, 返我地自己班房開慶祝會, yeah!

咁啱呢日亦係一個女學生既生日, 佢媽媽攞左個生日蛋糕黎同佢慶祝.
個蛋糕好靚架, 中間係個Dora蛋糕, 側邊圍滿cupcakes, 唔知會唔會太甜呢?!!
我掛住做野, 無留番個cupcake比自己.
通常我都好怕食咁多糖霜既蛋糕, 都係忌廉啱我口味d!

黎到最後一日, 終於記得影返張班相, 可惜有兩個學生無返, 唔齊人>.<
有一個學生有autism (自閉症), 另一個有ADHD (專注力不足/過度活躍症),
其他大部分係English Learners (英語非第一語言).
當佢唔聽話, 響課室行黎行去, 又或者坐響位大叫,
就會分散其他學生既注意力. 有d同學甚至因為呢d行為而發笑,
令我覺得教育工作真係好有意義, 亦提醒我選擇做老師既原因!
到十一點半, 夠鐘放學啦! 等家長接晒所有學生, 我地就開始執拾,
同埋見教授攞埋我個最後分數, 呢次實習就正式完結啦!


春季既學期終於完結, 可以享受三個星期假期, yeah!


1. EDSP 407 實習
最辛苦, 又多野做, 好花時間!
每個星期有一至兩日同個拍擋見面, 傾下星期六點教.
又要做lesson plan(課堂計劃), 仲有unit plan(單元計劃),
同埋student profile(學生概況), 跟住仲有不斷重覆又重覆既reflections(檢討)
(weekly reflection每週檢討, student profile reflection學生概況檢討,
unit plan reflection單元檢討, individual reflection on unit plan個人單元檢討).
真係寫到你唔悶, 我都嫌我長氣
通常星期五晚淨係瞓得兩個鐘, 第二朝七點又要出門.
星期六要拎住一袋二袋去返學, 個個weekend都好似去旅行咁.

無呃你地架! 揹住一個書包, 手拎住個袋, 仲要推住架車仔>.<
咪因為個課室響間大學入面, 星期六會變左個學習中心,
課室入邊係咩都無既, 連學生既文具同紙都要我地自備.
D教授仲要我地佈置個課室, 令佢變成一個文字豐富既環境,
搞到我地要個個星期運十幾本圖書返學校, 落堂後又要搬走!
唉, 呢十個星期既搬運工程都總算完結啦!

2. EDSP 553 閱讀與寫作
呢一班係呢一年上過既課, 最辛苦同最多野做既!
又用紅色係咁改, 真係見到都驚, 心情即刻跌到落谷底*.*"
份paper改左成三次, 個教授先至滿意; 另外o個兩份都改左一至兩次!
唯一既得着: 同兩個同學仔因為做分組功課變得更加熟.
一個係由大陸黎左8年既媽媽, 另一個係識講廣東話既ABC,
之前都有一齊上堂, 但就唔係咁熟.
今個學期上完變態教授既堂, 真係熟晒! 因為我地一見面就有共同話題,
呻下個教授對我地既無理要求, 同埋係咁講佢壞話

3. EDSP 512 建立合作關係
呢班係最舒服既! 本來只係需要上五堂, 但因為教授休假, 所以變左四堂.
個教授見無咩時間, 索性連本來要做既分組功課同堂上簡介都取消埋,

本來諗住變態教授會比個B或者C我, 好彩最後都有驚無險攞左個A, yeah!!!


於是即刻email個導師, 星期四一早去搵佢!
真係比我估中左 (其他野又唔見我估到!)
導師好友善, 又健談, 仲四圍介紹學校既職員比我識。
咁啱o個日學校去旅行, 我又跟埋學校一齊去!

今次旅行係去California Science Center (加州科學館), 我未黎過喎!
返到屋企問阿康做咩唔帶我去睇, 佢竟然答我:「乜你無去過咩?!!」

一去到就望到呢D波波吊響殊, 導師話呢D係molecules(分子)。


第一個活動: 去IMAX睇3D電影. 電影係講大溪地既海浪, 其實都幾好睇,

High Wire Bicycle: 要比錢先玩得!

Ecosystems (生態系統): 新開既展館
唔知係唔係因為新, 所以個個都去睇, 搞到要排隊入場。
排左廿分鐘, 入去睇一段介紹片, 跟住就去左睇關於雀仔同南極既展覽。

擺放響南極館外既展品, 模仿海浪既產生。

食完午餐, 同導師去左出邊行下。
外邊有個玫瑰花園同噴水池, 環境清幽, 加埋當日清風送爽, 最適合野餐。

當日勁多學生去參觀, 由幼兒園至高中既學生都有!
今次係我第一次坐美國既校車, 原來入面好細同好窄架!