Tuesday, October 30, 2012


開始了第二年的教學生涯, 仍舊係一個字: 「忙!」

除左教書、備課,一星期有兩日我會為學生補課, 另一日就係搞學會既野. 有時放學後要去上堂, 因為要攞正式教師牌, 仲要做功課. 跟住, 星期六又要上堂培訓, 加上每個星期日都要返church教兒童道理班, 同上成人慕道班, 所以都無時間update個blog

早幾日正式完成入籍既手贖, 仲申請埋US Passport, 登記埋做選民, 下個禮拜仲可以去投票添!

琴日上慕道班時, 導師叫我地諗下改咩聖名. 佢send左兩個websites比我地參考, 可以睇番個聖人既事蹟, 學習o個位聖人, 同祈求佢保佑, 做我地既guardian angel!

今日同今仔text message談論揀咩聖名時, 發現一件驚人既事!


今仔係覺得佢第一次打電話比我同我講生日快樂o個日就係我地既拍拖紀念日, 但我就計我地正式確認對方為男、女朋友o個日.

我地一路都無慶祝拍拖紀念日, 只係慶祝相識紀念日, 但估唔到結左婚五年幾後, 比我無啦啦發現呢樣野有d搞笑

Sunday, October 7, 2012

入籍進度 (不時更新) (October 7, 2012)

填左兩年既入籍表格, 終於響今仔既協助下, 響5/15寄出

去郵局寄出表格去USCIS Lockbox, Phoenix, AZ (入籍費用: USD$680)

郵寄費用: $5.80 (certified mail可不用return receipt, 但我唔識, 用左!)

收到email同text message話收到我既application




是日打指模   Appointment Time: 9:00am

泊左車後, 特登將手提電話放在車內, 因為我記得要搜手袋, 發現手提電話就會要我擺返落架車度.

已經黎過同一個地方打指模兩次, 都幾熟悉個環境啦! 去到門口時, 有職員會問你攞信同身分證明文件.

直至呢一刻, 我先知原來封信係有叫我帶綠卡架!

我出發時望過封信睇下要帶咩, 點知只係睇到帶車牌, 無睇到上一行字寫住要帶綠卡.


我諗住返屋企攞綠卡, 因為返屋企都只係廿分鐘車程, 但個職員叫我等陣, 睇下個supervisor點講先!

佢比個個clip board我填張form, 之後等叫號碼.

 輪到我時, 個女職員有d唔滿意我點解無帶綠卡, 我話睇唔到, 佢又反問封信寫住喎!

我心諗: 無帶就無帶架啦! 你問我點解無帶都無用架, 一係就比我打指模, 一係就叫我返屋企攞!

我以為佢會踢我走, 點知佢叫我坐響一間房門口等見immigration officer.

個immigration officer超級nice!

同我閒聊, 又問我係唔係好nervous, 仲成日講笑. 佢仲提議我下次interview時去改名.

佢解釋比我睇因為我用中文名做first name, 但我個中文譯名中間有空格, 所以變左有四個名咁.

個immigration officer提議左兩個方案:

1. 中文名做first name, 但唔要space

2. middle name改成first name, Chinese name without space做middle name

跟住, 佢就叫我出去等叫號碼打手指模.

因為見完immigration officer都仲未叫我個號碼, 所以我都唔需要等耐左.

成個過程好順利, 約四十分鐘就完成!


等左兩個月終於收到信通知我9/12去interview, 要努力溫習同準備需要帶既文件!


My interview time was 2:15 pm. I took a day off for the interview. Since I was asked to bring in two passport photos, so I went to COSTCO to take the passport photos the interview. I was quite in a hurry as I did not know that I had to wait for 30 minutes before I could get the photos printed out. After parking, there was a line outside the USCIS building waiting to go inside. The security guards had to check everyone's bag before they could let anyone in. One of the security guards asked for our appointment time, then he directed us to another entrance to get faster access. Luckily, we were able to make it on time. The room were full of people, and the wait time was around 1 hour 45 minutes.

Just finished the civics test today! It's interesting that I did not have an oral test, the staff gave me some paper and asked me to fill out the A# and the date.

He asked me to write the answer for the first 6 questions.
1. Who is the governor of your state now?
2. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
3. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
4. Name two national U.S. holidays.
5. Who was the first president?
6. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?

After writing down the answers for the first paper, then I continued to answer questions on the second paper.
1. Who lived in the White House?
2. Who lived in here first?
3. When is the President's Day?
4. One more, but forgot!

The staff then told me I didn't need to answer those questions. I soon realized that should be a reading test!

Writing test question: The President lives in the White House.

So, I actually did 3 written tests, but no reading test, no oral test for me!!!

My hubby came with me, however, he was not allowed to be with me during the interview.

I need to wait for a letter to see when I will have my oath ceremony.


收到信通知我10/24去Oath Ceremony