今晚無聊睇返從前既email, 比我發現左一件舊事
「It's half past two in the morning now,but I am playing Monopoly with my friends. They modified the game and played with real money! Very expensive! Someone built a lot of buildings in Repulse Bay and the Peak. He also built a hotel in both Wan Chai and Mong Kok! It costs more than ten dollars when stepping any of them! Luckily, I didn't step on them, just stayed in Wan Chai Hotel for a night! Much cheaper, only $4.5.」
係唔係好醒呢?我o個個朋友真係好黑架,當佢諗住响地產界大展牶腳時,點知遭逢政府控制樓市,比人起哂d樓啦!佢無得再起,就算佢拎住咁多地契都無用.佢起樓都起錯地方tim,佢起左樓o個d就無人行,唔起o個d就係咁比人踩,所以佢每次只係收得幾毫子,但自己就十蚊十蚊咁比出去,你話佢係唔係好黑呢?哈,最搞笑係...佢原來將佢d樓起哂去離島,Lamma Island﹑西貢同愉景灣,但又唔起响Nathan Road.可能係咁,所以無咩人去啦,哈哈
[版主回覆06/28/2008 15:02:00]無相呀! 邊個話有架 你淨係諗野, 唔記野梗係啦
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/30/2008 14:36:00]我又無諗過兩個人玩大富翁, 第日都要試下先
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/03/2008 23:11:00]hehe... 我都想問你呀
我鍾意玩大富翁同埋UNO架!! 始終原始既好玩過電腦版, 都唔係自己roll dice又唔係自己行, 好無癮囉!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/09/2008 00:30:00]家陣大富翁有存款卡, 唔駛分銀紙, 好似唔錯!
at that time, 今仔 was having lunch after exercising in the gym when he received this email, 今仔 was worried because maymay should be in bed but she was playing monopoly! 今仔 could only blame and curse her friends...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/16/2008 12:56:00]哼, 家陣想玩通宵都無人同我玩啦