This year has only started for less than two weeks,
but there are already a few pieces of good news happened on me
Firstly, I am grateful to have my Preliminary Teaching Credential granted,
so I can move on to my next step, i.e. going back to school.
Hope I can start studying in March
Next, I have finally listed my first item on Ebay,
it took me almost a year to do this (see how lay back I am),
wish my item can be sold in a good price
Actually, that item costs $0, but can have a face value up to $125!
Last but not least, my parents will come and spend Chinese New Year with me,
I can receive their "lai see" and blessings in person
Really miss them a lot and looking forward to be treated like a little girl
so happy you parents go to accompany you during on Chinese New YEAR!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/16/2009 16:16:00]Hihi, nice to meet you! Yeah, really looking forward to seeing them!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/16/2009 16:17:00]到時有好多人黎, 又熱鬧又開心!
好野!! 一齊過年, 快D佈置吓間屋, 貼吓揮春!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/16/2009 16:18:00]我叫阿媽空運左D卡通揮春
甘好啊~~~可以吃媽咪d 宋
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/16/2009 16:19:00]其實...... 我煮得好過佢
that's nice. 我都好多年無見我媽咪囉~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/16/2009 16:20:00]咁搵個時間去探下佢啦!
what classes are you going to take since you already got your credential??
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/16/2009 16:21:00]I still have to take a reading course and study US constitution, still a long way to go
可能我嚟探妳快 d 喎﹗哈哈~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/17/2009 11:25:00]咁你快d啦 我
Good new for 今仔: 1. Maymay is going back to school. 2. Maymay starts her ebay business. 3. Maymay will be happy with her parents.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/22/2009 17:18:00]Bad news for 今仔:
1. need to spend a lot of money;
2. have to drive my relatives around;
3. sleep in the living room.
真係好喇~新年你爸媽黎探你, 年尾你又有機會返香港探佢地!!! 實在太幸福喇!!!
[版主回覆01/22/2009 17:16:00]你又叫你屋企人過黎呀! 咁計劃定年尾一齊返去玩啦