Monday, January 19, 2009


I was so excited with this Gingerbread House Kit when I first saw it in Michaels long before Christmas, I couldn't stop myself from taking it home. However, I was too busy in December that I couldn't be able to start building the house.

After all our dear guests left Los Angeles, we finally got spare time to start doing our house building project. The first day was the most challenging. I had never expected the frosting need to be prepared by myself, instead of having them ready-to-be-used in the kit. After that, we had to use the frosting to glue the walls of the house together. The Gingerbread House was really too GIANT that we could hardly hold them together. I almost wanna give up that time and felt regret why I bought such a giant kit.

After two weeks of hardwork.......................

We finally finished building this Giant Gingerbread House


  1. 好靚呀~你同今仔真係好有心機砌!!!
    間屋食唔食得架? 應該係咁大間點食得晒???
    [版主回覆01/22/2009 16:59:00]一開始時, 我已好想放棄, 係今仔有心機咋!
    我發晒脾四咁  應該食得架, 但見到咁多frosting都唔想食!

  2. 我都想知間屋食唔食得架。 哈哈~~
    [版主回覆01/22/2009 17:00:00]你落黎試食呀

  3. (Empty)
    [版主回覆01/23/2009 14:58:00]姑姑, 牛年快樂, 身體健康, 笑口常開

  4. wow so cute ar~~~
    [版主回覆02/07/2009 17:23:00]Thank you!!!

  5. Gingerbread house still intact after 3 months
    [版主回覆03/28/2009 03:12:00]你快D去拆屋啦
