Friday, April 30, 2010
入會 (April 17, 2010)
信內既內容係話我被一位教授推薦入一個International Honor Society
但最重要係佢地係要收入會費既, 成為USD$60!
我就覺得好貴啦, 不過會費只係比一次, 唔駛年年交 (都算係咁)
我本來都無諗住入會, 但問完今仔後, 佢都認為最好入下啦!
原來當年佢都入左幾個, 入會對美國大學生黎講係非常重要既
當我再詳睇封信時, 佢地仲話一定要將入左呢個會既事寫落resume,
最搞笑係叫D學生無錢既話, 都要用信用卡透支, 又或者去問親戚借錢
4/17係入會儀式, 有free lunch, 但要帶賓客既話要比$20位,
我覺得好扼錢, 因為只係食chicken salad做main course, 仲要無人serve既!
最後, 今仔無去到, 只有我自己出席, 但我o個日有student teaching,
所以遲左個半鐘先到 不過, 就可以skip左唔駛聽D又悶又長篇大論既人演講
結論: 感覺上好似比人踢左入黑社會咁, 只係有好好既包裝, 令人自願交會費!
同埋, 佢地都會保護你, 為作為會員既你提供好多專利!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
生痱滋 (April 27, 2010)
響香港就會用西瓜霜, 又或者吻百蜜, 但呢兩樣我都無喎, 點算
走去問今仔, 睇下佢以前生痱滋會搽D咩, 佢話西瓜霜 (N年前),
一係就用鹽水漱口, 再唔係就...... 唔理佢
真係好痛喎...... 唔理唔得呀!!!
好彩, 我醒起有D藥既sample (唔知咩解究, 成日有sample寄黎屋企?!!),
立即飛去櫃桶摷, 又比我搵到包Canker Cover
好得意喎..... 係貼響粒痱滋度, 白色既但會慢慢變透明!
上面寫住可以照樣食野同飲水, 但我只係臨瞓前貼, 第二朝起身就搣。
OK喎, 第二朝起身粒痱滋真係無咁痛, 不過抆返塊野出黎就難左D!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
多謝今仔! (April 27, 2010)
今朝今仔出門後, 我就入左廁所梳洗.
原來今仔見我用開既電動牙刷壞左, 就幫我換左隻新!
多謝你既細心... 仲有上個禮拜夜瞓早起既支持
Friday, April 23, 2010
黐孖筋 (April 23, 2010)
個學生寫一句 "I want two PLAY MONKE game.",
又strengths, 又areas of needs, 又recommodations!!!
點知佢話唔夠specific, 又無提到error patterns喎
大佬呀, 個細路寫左一句咁大把咋, 有咩鬼pattern睇到呀!
根本唔夠info去form一個pattern 真係人都癲呀
仲要嘔成六份出黎, 今晚實唔駛瞓
唉呀... 爭D唔記得仲有份五頁紙既reflective journal
BS BS BS, KEEP ON BS...........................................
"The besh in the see the besh cub are oaf the brow sland the and"
搞咩呀 我睇唔明喎, 咁又點可以BS版幾紙出黎呀?!!
比左個學生份writing今仔睇, 佢都好無奈咁笑左幾聲 唉......
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Traffic (April 13, 2010)
I hate traffic!
真係人都癲呀... 一個平時行local只需半個鐘既地方,
駕到邊D路就封到邊, 咁我仲駛行既, 好變態!
有一刻, 我真係諗過衝過d雪糕筒, 行d封左既路
響塞車途中, 用電話上網先發現原來有個警員喪體舉辦,
駕車時都影到相, 可想而知當日既交通情況......
最諷刺既係到達目的地兩小時後駕車回家, 行freeway只需十五分鐘
Thousands expected downtown for LAPD officer's funeral
Robert J. Cottle is the first active L.A. officer killed in Afghanistan or Iraq, police officials say. Some streets will be closed and buses rerouted for his services.
Thousands are expected to converge on downtown Los Angeles early Tuesday to honor LAPD Officer Robert J. Cottle, killed March 24 in Afghanistan while on Marine Reserve duty.
Cottle, 45, was traveling with three other Marines in the Marja region of the country, which has been the focus of an intense U.S.-led offensive against Taliban forces in recent weeks. Their armored vehicle struck an improvised explosive device, killing Cottle and another Marine and seriously wounding the two others, said LAPD Capt. John Incontro, who oversees SWAT operations
Here are details about the memorial:
TRAFFIC The funeral procession will start at the new LAPD headquarters and end at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Portions of 1st Street, Broadway, Spring Street, Temple Street, Hill Street, and Grand Avenue will be closed as early as 6 a.m., according to the LAPD.
Metro bus service in downtown Los Angeles will be affected. A funeral procession will begin at 8:45 a.m. at the Police Administration Building, located at 100 W. 1st St., and will proceed to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels at 555 W. Temple St. Numerous Metro bus lines in the Civic Center area will be detoured from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., at which time bus service will return to its regular schedules. Metro bus lines affected by the detours will include: 2, 4, 10, 14, 30, 31, 37, 40, 42, 42A, 45, 48, 55, 60, 68, 70, 71, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 302, 333, 355, 439, 445, 485, 487, 489, 714, 730, 740, 745, 770, 794 and Silver Line, according to the L.A. Department of Transportation.
Cottle, who joined the LAPD in 1990 and won a coveted SWAT position six years later, is the first active LAPD officer to be killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, police officials said.
A veteran of two tours of duty in Iraq, Cottle had deployed to Afghanistan in August last year and was scheduled to return home this summer. Officers recalled a friend who stood out even in the rarefied air of SWAT for the intensity he brought to the LAPD's most demanding assignment and the care he showed for other officers who had turned him into one of the unit's leaders.