Monday, March 5, 2012

The Lorax & The Vow (Mar 2, 2012)

星期五返學時比D學生激親, 心情低落. 咁啱今仔唔駛返工, 於是我就提議去睇戲食飯, 唔係我會發癲

咁啱呢日係Dr. Seuss' Birthday, 我地去睇佢既作品The Lorax 3D.

買飛時有小朋友戴住Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat 既帽. 我記得我朋友個仔仔話比我知, 佢地班呢日有個pajama party慶祝Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

The Lorax 3D
我覺得好好睇, 大人細路都啱睇! 個message係呼籲大家要保護環境, 唔係將來我地既小朋友連樹都未見過, 而且要比錢買新鮮空氣.

個故事都好有教育意義, 等我地知道如果為左錢而去不斷砍伐樹木, 到最後所有資源用盡時, 受苦既都係我地!

D樹畫得好靚, 好似童話入邊既仙境, 識唱歌既魚同得意既熊BEAR BEAR都係笑位!

Quote from The Lorax:
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.

The Vow
好耐無響戲院睇愛情片, 因為要就返今仔睇D男仔鍾意既打鬥片、恐怖片.

我覺得幾好睇, 而且係真人真事改編. 個結局好意想不到.

以前睇過一套漫畫個故事係話個男仔醒返唔記得左同佢女朋友發生過既所有事, 細個睇時覺得好慘, 睇到喊.

當然大個睇呢套戲時都會睇到眼濕濕, 一諗到如果有一日今仔唔記得左我地一齊發生過既事會點呢?

呢D野都係唔好諗咁多, 最重要就係「珍惜所有, 活在當下」!


  1. absolutely: 「珍惜所有, 活在當下」
    I thought about taking Cole to watch Lorax, but I know many children don't like to go to movie theatre till they're a bit older, therefore I probably will rent it later :-p

  2. Totally agree : 「珍惜所有, 活在當下」!

  3. Pandora 香傭講法文May 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM

