hey you are planning to go back towards the end of the year la... then u will see them soon la! cheer up! [版主回覆02/10/2009 17:19:00]希望年尾真係可以返香港啦! 你都就快返啦喎, 未出發先興奮
I share the same feeling you have each time I have family or friend visit, or we visit them. Family is always something we cherish! [版主回覆02/10/2009 17:20:00]一家團聚對我地黎講原來好奢侈!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/10/2009 17:18:00]可能我比較遲鈍, 所以成日去親送機都未有唔開心同唔捨得住
hey you are planning to go back towards the end of the year la... then u will see them soon la! cheer up!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/10/2009 17:19:00]希望年尾真係可以返香港啦! 你都就快返啦喎, 未出發先興奮
I share the same feeling you have each time I have family or friend visit, or we visit them. Family is always something we cherish!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/10/2009 17:20:00]一家團聚對我地黎講原來好奢侈!
如果我搵到份工, 唔打算返去啦, 返工緊要d.......
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/12/2009 03:54:00]我都係咁話!
ReplyDelete我成日都好矛盾架, 間屋太多人好嘈好煩, 但無人又會覺得太靜喎~
最近CX同CO都有promotion呀, 機票低至USD8XX, 所以返香港機會大增!! (睇下今年年尾或出年中前啦)
[版主回覆02/12/2009 03:54:00]咁我地好可能可以響香港搞個gathering喎!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/12/2009 03:55:00]家有一老, 真係如有一寶!
Front house-Back house will be the perfect solution in the future
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/28/2009 03:15:00]不如你買夠兩間屋啦